Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why Retweets Matter -- A Word to the Wise

These are purely personal opinions and do not reflect Intel recommendations or policies or anything.

If you've followed me at all, you will notice that most of my tweets are retweets (RTs). It is something I believe in and practice. Even when I carry on a [non personal] conversation, I generally start by retweeting the other person first, then send them a public message ".@name", retweeting their replies.

Now, for some of you, this may be too much. In which case, I apologize and recommend you simply not follow me. I won't be offended. I'm here on twitter to share. That means carrying on most of my dialogs in public. And, equally importantly, recognizing those who spark them.

That is a key point. To me a retweet is the appropriate way of acknowledging one's sources and benefactors. And, I do think of those who provide me with material to quote as my benefactors. They have given me something of value. Acknowledging them with a retweet is the one way to recognize that value.

That brings me to the next point. As an active retweeter, I have a lot of sources to chose from. At home I have 8 columns visible in tweetdeck on a machine just dedicated to watching twitter. That gives me lots to look at when I'm looking for something to RT. So, if you want me to retweet you, you need to grab my attention.

Good content is an obvious must. However, I assume when you send out a tweet it is because you have something to say. Therefore, in your opinion, your content is good or why did you bother to tweet it in the first place.

However, the next part is more key for me. Do you retweet or otherwise engage? If I retweet you, is it likely that it will prompt a further dialog? While it isn't an absolute requirement for me to retweet you, it does up your odds if I have a memory that a previous retweet caused a pleasant interaction. This is particularly true if you are tweeting something like a quote or a story that is covered in several places. And, not only do I remember those who have interacted with me, I also notice those who are in a habit of retweeting others. So, when you see me repetitively retweeting people like @chadchoron, @SteveAkinsSEO, @2morrowknight, @terrinakamura, or @shebajo--notice that they have also frequently retweeted others.

So, if you are confident that what you tweet is truly newsworthy, go ahead and depend on your content getting you retweeted. However, if you want someone like me to pick up your content when I'm looking for something, it can help if you've been noticed for being generous with your retweets. In fact, I'll give you a clue, if given the choice between two tweets on the same topic, I will usually pick the one that has been retweeted over the one which is "original". That allows me to give credit to a fellow retweeter.

Conversely, if you never retweet anyone, it won't keep me from retweeting you, but I also won't be drawn to read your tweet when your avatar comes up either. Like anyone, I'm drawn to the icons of those who I like, i.e. those who I know retweet. It is easier to love someone who is loving and on twitter love is spelled RT.