Thursday, July 2, 2009

gooseGrade -- crowdsourcing proofreading

You might notice the gooseGrade button on this blog. That allows people to comment on my grammar, my spelling, my punctuation, my facts, my poor parallel construction in this sentence ;-). The idea is to harness the power of the web and the collective crowd to make our writing better. If it improves my blog, that's a good thing. I'm hoping that it does.

More importantly, I hope that in recommending it to you, if you write a blog, that it helps improve your blog too. Just go to, register, and then drop the appropriate button on your blog. It's that easy.

Of course, if you know something about writing, I think it will help if you review the pages they put up for checking. That's the other side of the coin. Nothing is completely free. For someone to benefit, someone must contribute. Here is my thanks in advance to those who are contributing. Better writing improves us all. Those who help are truly noble and ennobling.

As a security researcher, I would be remiss in not reminding you that registering and putting a button on your blog that executes code, you are doing something risky. Eventually, especially if gooseGrade gets popular, someone will hack gooseGrade and use it to serve up some form of malware. Now, I'm trusting that it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully, if I do my job properly, we will make doing so harder. Still, it is a risk. If pushing the gooseGrade button on my site or registering for gooseGrade gets you a virus, I apologize for trusting too much, and in doing so giving bad advice. Unforutnately, trusting too much is in my nature.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to gooseGrade. May all of your T's be crossed and your I's perfectly dotted!

